Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Top 10 Reasons Why HBO Should Pick Up a Second Season of The Black Donnellys

I'd thought I'd share the counter part to the Top 10 Reasons How NBC Failed The Black Donnellys with this Top 10.

Here are my Top 10 Reasons Why HBO Should Pick Up A Second Season of The Black Donnellys:

10) With the finale of the Sopranos, I'm sure their audience (given the right marketing, the right network and scheduling) will enjoy The Black Donnellys as an independent and intriguing series.

9) There's precedence with NBC cancelling JAG, as you may recall. CBS picked up the show and profited from a total of nine seasons. JAG came in 77th in the ratings. The Black Donnellys averaged 55-60th.

8) Paul Haggis and Bobby Moresco push the limits of writing and editing which is something refreshing and unfamiliar for TV. This is definitely thought provoking and challenging for the viewers.

7) The Black Donnellys is the "quiet gem", even though most critics prejudge the show from only a few episodes being released on the air. They don't realize the true depth of the storyline. Those who enjoy The Godfather, The Departed, Goodfellas and Usual Suspects will appreciate the wit, writing and cinematic feel of the series.

6) HBO will have a great cast of up and coming actors. Billy Lush (Kevin Donnelly) is already shooting "Generation Kill" in Africa, a new HBO miniseries. Keith Nobbs (Joey "Ice Cream") will be in Australia shooting for another HBO miniseries entitled "The Pacific". HBO will gain a new audience with this generation of actors.

5) An established audience will return as Kirk Acevedo's most known role as Alvarez from HBO's "Oz". Kirk was also in HBO's "Band of Brothers". Everyone definitely knows him as Alvarez, and will soon be familiar with Nicky Cottero.

4) There are too many unanswered questions to leave it as one season. What happens to Ma Donnelly, does she survive Dokey's bullet? Does Dokey survive? What happens to Mr. Reilly and his illness that teeters Alzheimers? What happens to Jenny? What will Samson do, when he wakes up from his beating? Will Tommy find out about the rape? What about Joey? Is he really telling the truth? What bodies is he talking about?

3)The Black Donnellys has the potential to be profitable for HBO or any network, (except for NBC) due to its exposure to audiences via the online viewing platform. This show is marketable and you could milk it for all its worth! There is an established iTunes audience and soon with the September 4th release of the DVD, we'll see how profitable sales are. I'm sure if someone came out with a Season 1 soundtrack, the sales of an audio CD would skyrocket as the songs and artists are appropriately used throughout the series including: Snow Patrol, Arcade Fire, Death Cab For Cutie and Drop Kick Murphys.

2) The Black Donnellys, with only a small portion of its season being aired has a growing fanbase of Firecrackers that consist of US, Canadian and a global audience. The series is reaching a wider demographic, that would benefit HBO's current demographic.

1) The Black Donnellys have a "die-hard" fan base who will support the series until its resurrection.

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