Monday, May 7, 2007

Progress of Save The Black Donnellys Campaign

This was the third letter that we had pushed out to TV and entertainment columnists on Sunday, May 6th. The Subject of the email was: Updated progress of Save The Black Donnellys Campaign

Good morning, It is currently a bit over one month since The Black Donnellys has been removed from network television. As May 14th and the announcement of fall line ups nears, it becomes more important that we, Save The Black Donnellys campaign, express our concern for bringing the series back to television.

There are only two more episodes left to watch at Since the series was pulled off the air, every episode available online has been in the Top 10 most downloaded tv episodes on iTunes. The Black Donnellys is ranked alongside the likes of 24, Lost, The Office and Heroes, which are all well advertised and established shows. The Black Donnellys is the MOST consistent and ONLY series that is currently not on the air but ranks in the top 10 and is one of the most top selling seasons on iTunes. The Black Donnellys has capitivated an enormous and loyal audience. No other series has had such a response. We believe the show has set a precedence for shows that have been abruptly pulled from the air. The successful numbers from iTunes support that. This is a show that will not go without a fight. We believe, NBC will continue to have ratings woes with the decisions they continue to make which upsets their viewers. These are viewers they continue to alienate.

We, the fans of the Black Donnellys, will not accept the show being cancelled. We hope that you will continue to support us. In case The Black Donnellys is not renewed by NBC, we will focus our efforts on bringing this series back to another network. We have strong faith that there will be a Season 2.

We would like to acknowledge the support from Kristin Veitch and Korbi Ghosh from E!online. Kristin has dubbed us the "fam" base because of our spirit and belief in this show (See Our online petition ( continues to grow and is currently over 31,000 signatures. We know that many fans out there are still unaware of The Black Donnellys being pulled off the air. Those fans span all over the U.S through Canada. We'd like to see your support in informing your readers. Together, we can help Save The Black Donnellys!

We appreciate your time.
Sincerely, Save The Black Donnellys Campaign

-- Help Save The Black Donnellys Watch it online only at



steffi320 said...

Please join us at and Our campaign has begun and we need all fans to come together once again to save this show!

paigec71 said...

We have not yet begun to fight! Join us and visit to chat and strategize. Visit the campaign headquarters to see our daily action items to bring back TBD!